Natasha is a Toronto-based Stage Manager.
Select Stage Management credits include: Opera Atelier (Actéon & Pygmalionin Toronto, Chicago and Versailles, The Return of Ulysses, Dido & Aeneas), Tarragon Theatre (Guarded Girls, Hamlet, Sequence, Within the Glass, The Bakelite Masterpiece, The Ugly One), The Thousand Islands Playhouse (The Canadian, The Birds and the Bees, Das Ding, Dear Johnny Deere, The Ugly One, Salt Water Moon), Festival Players of Prince Edward County (A Beautiful View), Theatre Centre (Secret Life of a Mother at Crow’s Theatre, After the Fire from Punctuate! Theatre) Theatre Smash (Kiss with ARC and Canadian Stage, Durango with fu-GEN, Das Ding with Canadian Stage, The Ugly One). Natasha is also a concert manager for Tafelmusik.